A block of mahogany was chosen for this piece. The nature of this wood allows it to be carved in any direction. The tight configuration of the grain also provides decent sealant against water. 
To begin, rough orthographic multiviews were sketched onto the surface of the block. Later cuts and shaping procedures adhered to these guidelines. 
The bowl of the spoon was carved first. This allowed the block to be securely clamped during carving. Resulting cuts were executed around the bowl.
Rough overall spoon form. 
Much time was spent blending the band saw cut lines into the surrounding form. The cutlines disrupted the visual flow of the piece and could have provided cracks for unwanted material buildup.
This was achieved using a series of files, rasps, and sandpaper.
Form in final stages of sanding.
The final piece was rubbed with a light coat of canola oil. This darkened the piece significantly and provided both sealant and seasoning for cooking applications. 
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